Preparatory actions, elaboration of management plans and/or of action plans
- Project start-up, Project Team and Project Office
- Preparation of farm management plans
- Preparation of forest management plans
Concrete conservation actions
- Drain management
- Stabilising riparian sediment sources using broadleaf planting
- Establishment of in-field buffer strips
- Grazing and livestock management
- Reduction of farm nutrient inputs
- Alternative drinking water facilities for livestock
- Restructuring of commercial plantations to long-term retention woodland
- Transformation of conventional clearfell managed commercial forests to continuous cover forestry
- Firebreak management
Monitoring of the impact of the project actions
- Mussel monitoring
- Biological monitoring of freshwater pearl mussel habitat
- Sediment and flow monitoring
- Water chemistry
- Vegetation monitoring
- Monitoring the implementation of farm and forest management plans
- Evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of project actions and socio-economic impacts of project
- Evaluation of the impacts of project actions on ecosystem functions
Public awareness and dissemination of results (obligatory)
- Project launch, public meeting and events
- KerryLIFE website
- Media campaign
- Added value, product branding and tourism
- KerryLIFE demonstration farm and forest project sites
- Training workshops and demonstration events
- School educational programme
- Project publications
- Project conference
- Project reporting
Overall project operation and monitoring of the project progress
- Project operation and management
- Networking with other projects, including LIFE projects
- Development of the project data management systems
- Financial management
- Independent audit