The role of National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is:
- To secure the conservation of a representative range of ecosystems to maintain and enhance populations of flora and fauna in Ireland.
- To designate and advise on the protection of habitats and species identified for nature conservation (Natural Heritage Areas (NHA), Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA) having particular regard to the need to consult with interested parties.
- To make the necessary arrangements for the implementation of National and EU legislation and policies for nature conservation and biodiversity including the EU Habitats and Birds Directives, and for the ratification and implementation of the range of international Conventions and Agreements relating to the natural heritage.
- To manage, maintain and develop State-owned National Parks and Nature Reserves.
- To promote awareness of natural heritage and biodiversity issues through education, outreach to schools and engaging with stakeholders.
The National Parks and Wildlife Service is part of the Heritage Division of the Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage. The NPWS as an Executive Agency oversees:
- Policy and management of National Parks and Reserves, Nature Services strategy, Finance and Regional operational procedures (including enforcement and health and safety).
- The Wildlife Acts and EU Directive transposition, NATURA Policy, Licensing provisions under the Wildlife Acts, Modernisation of property management, Policy on residential properties in national parks and the Departments Development Applications Unit.
- Peatland Policy, Turf compensation and relocation schemes, Land Designation, Land restoration/cross compliance.
- Scientific Support, Biodiversity policy and international issues, CITES and exotic species, Agri-Environment policy and schemes, Marine and aquaculture issues, Education Service and Data management.
Please note: If your interest relates to a nature conservation or biodiversity issue not covered by the above please direct your query to and it will be routed correctly within the NPWS.
If you have a query or wish to make a report about activity in a particular area, please provide as much information as possible about the location in the form of a townland name, site name, land Folio Number, map coordinates or eircode and the county and provide a phone number. All information received will be treated in strict confidence and will comply with GDPR legislation.