Licence to Photograph or Film a Protected Wild Animal or Bird

Due to the volume of applications currently being processed, please allow up to 3 weeks from the date you send in your application for a licence to issue.  Any queries on your application, please email
(August 2024)

Protected Wild Animals

In general a licence is not required for photography/ filming of protected wild animals provided that there will be no risk of disturbance to the breeding place of any animal, however, if you intend to photograph a protected wild animal on or near the breeding place of such an animal, you should apply for a licence.

  • under Section 23 (6)(b) of the Wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended) a licence may be issued by the Minister for a person to take or make photographic, video or other pictures of a protected wild animal of a species specified in the licence, on or near the breeding place of such an animal. 

Animal Species protected under the Wildlife Acts are listed below:

Mammals Amphibians Reptiles Fish Invertebrates
All Bat species
All Deer species
Hare species
Pine Marten
Red Squirrel
Dolphin species
Porpoise species
Seal species
Whale species
Pygmy Shrew
Natterjack Toad
Common Frog
Common Newt
Common Lizard
Leatherback turtle
Basking Shark Freshwater crayfish
Freshwater pearl mussel
Kerry slug

Wild Birds

In general a licence is not required for photography/ filming of wild birds provided that there will be no risk of disturbance to a nest containing eggs or unflown young of any bird, however, if you intend to photograph a wild bird on or near the breeding place of such a bird, you should apply for a licence.

  • under Section 22 (9)(f) of the Wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended) a licence may be issued by the Minister for a person to take or make photographic, video or other pictures of a wild bird of a species specified in the licence on or near a nest containing eggs or unflown young.

All wild birds are protected under national and EU law.

Applications are considered on their merits in accordance with the Statutory Obligations of the Minister set out in the Wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended).

You can down load application form below. Once you have that completed, return to via email at

Download an application form for a Licence to Photograph/Film a Protected Wild Animal

Download an application form for a Licence to Photograph or Film a Protected Wild Bird