Licence to Attach a Marking/Tagging Device to a Wild Animal / Bird

Applying for a Licence to ring and/or mark any Wild Bird or Wild Animal

If you wish to apply for a licence to ring and/or mark any wild bird or wild animal you must apply under Section 32 of the Wildlife Acts to the National Parks & Wildlife Service using one of the following three application forms:

Section 32 Fillable Application forms for Email Submission in English below:

Section 32  Fillable Application forms for Email Submission in Irish below:

If you are a trainee then you must ensure that you are named on your trainer’s licence.

Application forms must be emailed to the Wildlife Licencing Unit (WLU) at


On the expiry of each licence a Returns Form must be fully completed by the licence holder and emailed to Data from all individuals named on the licence must be supplied by the licence holder.

Relevant Fillable Returns Forms for Email submission are listed below:


A guidelines document is linked below in order to help answer any questions that you may have. This is a step by step guide to completing the application forms.

Section 32 Application forms in English follow in printable format:

Section 32 Application forms in Irish follow in printable format:


Further information can be obtained by emailing

Section 32 of the Wildlife Act 1976, as amended, provides that it is an offence for a person, other than under a licence from the Minister, to mark by cutting, branding or tattooing, or to attach any band, ring, microchip, tag or other marking device to any wild animal or wild bird or to take by net, trap or by any other means any such animal or bird for that purpose.