Site Details
Site code
Special Area of Conservation (SAC)
Latitude: 53.8523
Longitude: -9.65294
Longitude: -9.65294
Qualifying Interests
Mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide [1140]
Coastal lagoons [1150]
Large shallow inlets and bays [1160]
Annual vegetation of drift lines [1210]
Perennial vegetation of stony banks [1220]
Atlantic salt meadows (Glauco-Puccinellietalia maritimae) [1330]
Embryonic shifting dunes [2110]
Shifting dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenaria (white dunes) [2120]
Machairs (* in Ireland) [21A0]
Old sessile oak woods with Ilex and Blechnum in the British Isles [91A0]
Lutra lutra (Otter) [1355]
Phoca vitulina (Harbour Seal) [1365]
Site Documents
Download Conservation Objectives
CO001482.pdf [6.2 MB]
Download Site Synopsis
SY001482.pdf [267 KB]
Statutory Instrument
Download Statutory Instrument Map(s)
MAP001482.pdf [25.1 MB]
Related Publications

Title: | A survey of selected littoral and sublittoral sites in Clew Bay, Co. Mayo [2.9 MB] |
Year: | 1999 |
Author: | Aquafact |
Series: | Unpublished Report |

Title: | Monitoring and Condition Assessment of Populations of Vertigo geyeri, Vertigo angustior and Vertigo moulinsiana in Ireland [3.3 MB] |
Year: | 2011 |
Author: | Moorkens, E.A.; Killeen, I.J |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Coastal Monitoring Project 2004-2006 [2.7 MB] |
Year: | 2009 |
Author: | Ryle, T.; Murray, A.; Connolly, C.; Swann, M. |
Series: | Unpublished Report |

Title: | Harbour Seal Population Monitoring 2009-2012: Report No. 2 [2010] [1,017 KB] |
Year: | 2011 |
Author: | NPWS |
Series: | Unpublished Report |

Title: | Harbour Seal Population Monitoring 2009-2012: Report No. 1 [2009] [873 KB] |
Year: | 2010 |
Author: | NPWS |
Series: | Unpublished Report |

Title: | Clew Bay Complex SAC (001482) Conservation objectives supporting document - marine habitats [Version 1] [932 KB] |
Year: | 2011 |
Author: | NPWS |
Series: | Unpublished Report |

Title: | Clew Bay Complex SAC (001482) Conservation objectives supporting document - coastal habitats [Version 1] [4.2 MB] |
Year: | 2011 |
Author: | NPWS |
Series: | Unpublished Report |

Title: | A survey of intertidal sediment biotopes in estuaries in Ireland [4.7 MB] |
Year: | 1997 |
Author: | Falvey, J.P.; Costello, M.J.; Dempsey, S. |
Series: | Unpublished Report |

Title: | Saltmarsh Monitoring Project 2007-2008. Volume 4 [11.3 MB] |
Year: | 2009 |
Author: | McCorry, M.; Ryle, T. |
Series: | Unpublished Report |

Title: | Saltmarsh Monitoring Project 2006 [1.3 MB] |
Year: | 2007 |
Author: | McCorry, M. |
Series: | Unpublished Report |

Title: | Surveys of sensitive subtidal benthic communities [4.0 MB] |
Year: | 2006 |
Author: | MERC Consultants |
Series: | Unpublished Report |