NPWS guidelines on access to, and use of, sensitive biodiversity data
For these purposes, sensitive biodiversity data are defined as any data that NPWS does not wish to make publicly available, e.g. precise localities of endangered species. NPWS acknowledge that in some cases the threat to species from releasing such data may be negligible. However, NPWS are applying the precautionary principle in term of access to sensitive data until such time as the threat can be quantified. External bodies may apply for access to such sensitive data, but will not make this information generally available (e.g. in reports, Environmental Impact Assessments/Statements, maps).
NPWS primarily collects records of rare and threatened species as listed on the Checklists of protected and threatened species in Ireland‎ (December 2021). This document lists all of the species covered by national or European legislation or by an Irish regional red list. Data relating to some of these species are considered sensitive. Please review the following document containing a list of these species/groups: List of NPWS sensitive species
Requesting NPWS Sensitive Biodiversity Data
To request a copy of sensitive or unpublished data held by NPWS, please submit an application on this downloadable data requests form and submit via email to -