
Survey of Potential Turloughs 2015, Vols. I & II

Date Released: Wednesday, January 20, 2016

NPWS commissioned BEC Consultants to undertake a survey to provide additional information on a list of 180 unverified Annex I habitat *3180 Turloughs. Data were collected on vegetation communities and notable species, landform features and any discernible pressures. Local residents and landowners were consulted to gain an insight into the frequency of flooding. Of the 180 sites visited, 86 were confirmed as Turloughs, 82 were discounted as Turloughs, and a further 12 could not be determined with certainty. A conservation value was subjectively assigned to each Turlough with 7 listed with a High Conservation Value and 39 with a Medium Conservation Value. The Summary of Findings from the Survey has provided additional information on the range, distribution, extent and condition of Turloughs.