
NPWS announces nature scholarships to mark 'Muckross 60'

Date Released: Friday, June 14, 2024

Director General of the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Niall O’ Donnchú, has announced the inaugural ‘Muckross 60’ nature scholarships to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the opening of Muckross House and Gardens to the public. The scholarships will be funded and managed by the National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Niall O Donnchú said:

“Killarney and Muckross have a very special place in Ireland's heritage legacy, and that such beautiful gems need constant care, nurturing and indeed protecting by future generations.”

In supporting these third level scholarships, the NPWS is building the knowledge base of the future to assist those generations in continuing to realise the full beauty and nature value of the very unique Muckross House and Gardens and Killarney National Park."

Mr O Donnchú added:

“Killarney has a long history of scholarship, research and frontier work on nature and that continues to this day in the management of Killarney National Park and Muckross House and Gardens. The endowment of these annual scholarships is a very clear attestation that this crucial work continues to be undertaken across our national park system and especially here in Killarney and Muckross. This work has been pioneering in respect of wildlife and nature research and indeed the reintroduction of endangered species and the discovery, even this year, of more."