National Biodiversity Action Plan Public Consultation: Submissions Closed 9th February
Date Released: Wednesday, December 21, 2016
The Minister for Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs invites views on the next National Biodiversity Action Plan, Ireland’s third, for conserving and restoring Ireland’s biodiversity. This document sets out a plan, from 2017 to 2021, through which a range of government, civil and private sectors will undertake to achieve Ireland’s Vision for Biodiversity. The targets in the Plan address issues ranging from improving the management of protected areas to increasing awareness and appreciation of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
In light of the high level of public interest that has been expressed so far in the Plan, and with a view to accommodating submissions from those who may not have had a chance over the initial window to examine the draft Plan in detail, we are allowing a final week for submissions. The new extended closing date for submissions is 4 PM on Thursday, 9th February, 2017.
Observations can be made in English or Irish. Interested organisations or individuals may submit written observations via a SurveyMonkey questionnaire, in English or Irish, on our website.
Alternatively, submissions can be made in writing to the address below.
Draft National Biodiversity Action Plan 2017 - 2021 (pdf, English)
Dréacht Plean Gníomhaíochta um Bithéagsúlacht Náisiúnta 2017 - 2021 (pdf, Irish)
Address for written submissions:
Biodiversity and EU Programmes
National Parks & Wildlife Service
Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs
7 Ely Place
Dublin 2 DO2 TW98
Telephone: 01 8883242 / 3213