
Irish Canoe Survey

Date Released: Monday, November 16, 2015

A new survey that aims to gather information on the current level of awareness, amongst paddle sports enthusiasts, of invasive species is to be launched on Monday the 16th of November. The survey is being co-ordinated by Ronan Cooney, a scientist and canoeist, and Dr. Joe Caffrey, in conjunction with Inland Fisheries Ireland and Canoeing Ireland.

Many invasive species can survive for long periods out of water, in damp conditions, and can easily be transferred from one watercourse to another as paddlers move around the country. In Europe it is estimated that 7% of invasive species were introduced by leisure activities (hiking, anglers, boating, SCUBA diving and rowing). With the aquaculture (24%), fisheries interests (11%) and the ornamental plant sectors (10%) being the major vectors.

The risk posed to angling and waterways in general by invasive species is very significant. Angling in Ireland is estimated to be worth €755,000,000 to the Irish economy. A report published in 2013 estimates the cost of invasive species to the tourism and recreation sector to be in the region of €10 million. This sector employs 180,000 people and is worth €5 billion to the Irish economy.

Inland Fisheries Ireland and Canoeing Ireland, the national governing body of paddlesports in Ireland, have been collaborating proactively to reduce the potential spread of invasive species through paddlesports by producing guidelines for the disinfection of paddlesport equipment, the provision of wash down facilities at major events, and workshops on raising awareness of invasive species.

It is recognised that recreational water users have the potential to be a vector for the spread of invasive species. The data provided from the survey will aid the development of more effective operational practices and behaviours among paddlers and organising bodies, while also making water users aware of the potential negative effects that their activities could have on Irish aquatic ecosystems.

The survey can be found at:

For more information on invasive speices:

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