Clochar na gCon/Bealacooan Bog Nature Reserve
Longitude: -8.384
This bog forms part of the greater Connemara Bog Complex. It is a classic and intact example of atlantic or oceanic blanket bog, with a diverse flora which includes a number of scarce plant species and a blanket bog fauna which includes many of Ireland's and Europe's more important and threatened species. Actively growing bog is a priority EU habitat.
Coole Park Nature Reserve
Longitude: -8.864
These two reserves, through their combination of deciduous woods, limestone reefs, lakes and turloughs, constitute one of the most interesting Irish vegetation and faunal complexes still in existence. The Coole-Garryland reserve contains a variety of floral habitats including well-formed high forest on deep pockets of soil, dwarf woodland on limestone pavement and a turlough complex in the Callows and Coole Lake. A large portion of this reserve was formerly owned by Lady Gregory, co-founder with W.B. Yeats and Edward Martyn of the Abbey Theatre.
Visit the Coole Park website at
Derryclare Nature Reserve
Longitude: -9.7507054
Derrycrag Wood Nature Reserve
Longitude: -8.384
Along with the nearby Rosturra Wood Nature Reserve, this reserve comprises fragments of a once-extensive forest and now contain stands of oak and ash with an understorey of holly and hazel and a rich ground flora.
Leam West Bog Nature Reserve
Longitude: -9.487
The bog is of international importance. It is an area of very diverse blanket bog developed over both acid and base rich rocks at the north east limit of the Connemara blanket bogs. It forms part of one of the largest areas of intact bog in Connemara and it is one of the few sites containing both lowland and highland bog. A large number of habitats occur including rock outcrops, bog pools, extremely wet quaking areas, streams and relatively nutrient rich flushes.
Pollnaknockaun Wood Nature Reserve
Longitude: -8.388
A semi-natural woodland which once formed part of the extensive forest referred to under, Rosturra Wood & Derrycrag Wood.
Richmond Esker Nature Reserve
Longitude: -8.617
Along with Timahoe Esker Nature Reserve, one of the few esker ridges left in the country, which still carry native woodland. Although extensively planted with conifers and other exotic species it is planned to expand the native woodland using appropriate management techniques.
Rosturra Wood Nature Reserve
Longitude: -8.354
Along with the nearby Derrycrag Wood Nature Reserve, this reserve comprises fragments of a once-extensive forest and now contain stands of oak and ash with an understorey of holly and hazel and a rich ground flora.